DataView Menu is designed to show menu elements focused in icons in form of button. The items property can be object with ‘defaults’ and ‘items’ configs or just array of items, similar to other ExtJS component items property. Here implemented only one new ‘iconItemClick’ event. I hope the code of ‘app.view.toolbar.cmp.application.Button’ is enough simple and you will be able to redesign it to your according to your needs.

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Automatic tool-tips for grid cell text overflow feature is developed in form of plugin. It is listening the ‘afterlayout’ event of the grid and set the tool-tip for cell if no tool-tip exists. If you want to disable overflow tool-tip for particular columns, set the ‘showOverFlowTooltip’ to false. If you will need to change this logic check the ‘GridOverflowTooltipPlugin:isOverFlowTooltipDisabled(column, record, store, view)’ method implementation. The plugin implemented for the latest ExtJS 6.5.3 version.

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